Susan Augustine Alexander
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Ambrose E Bourn
Ambrose E Bourn
1849 - 1905
Lena Elsie Mae Bourn
Lena Elsie Mae Bourn
1886 - 1963
Ellen Pauline Bourn
Ellen Pauline Bourn
1899 - 1984


Jan 29
1865 • American Civil War: The Congress of the Confederate States of America adjourns for the last time.


Jan 12
Age: 20y

birth of child

Lena Elsie Mae Bourn
Texas, USA ⇓
1886 • A resolution is passed in the German Parliament to condemn the Prussian deportations, the politically motivated mass expulsion of ethnic Poles and Jews from Prussia, initiated by Otto von Bismarck.


Age: 34y
1900 N'Djamena, the capital city of Chad, is founded as Fort-Lamy by French commander Émile Gentil.


Feb 8
Age: 46y
1911 Mexican Revolution: Rebels take Agua Prieta on the SonoraArizona border; government troops take the town back April 17 when the rebel leader "Red" López is drunk.
