♀ Susannah Margaret Crick

1815 - 1857


Susan, Susanna

Susannah Margaret Crick
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Adam Crick
Adam Crick
1787 - 1857
Mary Hammer
Mary Hammer
1789 - 1860
Peter Switzer
Peter Switzer
1813 - 1862
Mary Jane Switzer
Mary Jane Switzer
1837 - 1936
Elsinda Switzer
Elsinda Switzer
1843 - 1922
John Harvey Switzer
John Harvey Switzer
1849 - 1916
Adam Crick, Mary Hammer, & Susannah Crick - Pennsylvania Commemorative Biographical Record 1892


Clarion County, Pennsylvania, USA ⇓
The biographical record says that "Adam Crick (father of John) was married to Miss Mary Hammer, and lived in the eastern part of Pennsylvania. They were among the pioneer settlers of Clarion county, locating at what is now designated as Hartman's Corners, of Mount Airy. After a few patches of the forests were cleared, farming was rudely carried on. All the buildings were of logs. Their nine children were: Jacob, Henry, Daniel, Lewis, David, Susanna, Kate, Christina, and John."
1 Source ⇓


Apr 3
Age: 22y


Nov 15
Age: 34y
1849 • French troops occupy Rome; the Roman Republic surrenders.


Age: 34y
Peter Switzer, Susannah Crick, & Mary Jane Switzer - 1850 United States Federal Census


Toby, Clarion, Pennsylvania, USA ⇓
Susannah Crick's brother Henry Crick is living next door. There is also a Peter Crick living nearby.
1 Source ⇓
1850 Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter is published.


May 14
Age: 42y
