In the Spring. It was likely he was baptized in the church of St. James the Great, but the records for the year are lost. Little is known of his childhood. His mother married John Cooke as her second husband in 1608, and the register shows that the Cookes had eight children. Evidence suggests that he did not live with his mother and stepfather, but that his youth was spent mainly in Westerleigh with his grandfather and (in particular) with his uncle Thomas Skidmore. At one or both of these places he had some formal schooling for he could read and write. He also learned the art of black-smithing, possibly from his uncle John Skidmore who had a smithy on Cheap Street in Bath, Somerset.
Mayshill, Westerleigh, Gloustershire, EnglandSources:
- Skidmore Story From Online
(children, gender, immigration, location, marriage, name, occupation) - The Skidmore/Taylor Families
(birth, children, death, event, gender, location, marriage, name, parents, relative) - Thomas Skidmore (Scudamore), 1605-1684, of Westerleigh, Gloucestershire, and Fairfield, Connecticut: his ancestors and his descendants to the ninth generation
(birth, gender, location, name, parents) - Thomas Skidmore - Rootsweb Gathered Information
(birth, children, death, gender, immigration, location, marriage, name, occupation, parents, race)