♂ Thomas Skidmore

1605 - 1684



Thomas Skidmore
Jedidiah Skidmore
Jedidiah Skidmore
1624 - 1660

Was the first of his name in the country.



Mayshill, Westerleigh, Gloustershire, England ⇓
In the Spring. It was likely he was baptized in the church of St. James the Great, but the records for the year are lost. Little is known of his childhood. His mother married John Cooke as her second husband in 1608, and the register shows that the Cookes had eight children. Evidence suggests that he did not live with his mother and stepfather, but that his youth was spent mainly in Westerleigh with his grandfather and (in particular) with his uncle Thomas Skidmore. At one or both of these places he had some formal schooling for he could read and write. He also learned the art of black-smithing, possibly from his uncle John Skidmore who had a smithy on Cheap Street in Bath, Somerset.

4 Sources ⇓
1605 Tokugawa Ieyasu abdicates as shogun of Japan, becoming Ogosho. His son Tokugawa Hidetada succeeds him to the office.


Age: 19y
1624 • The French Parliament passes a decree forbidding criticism of Aristotle on pain of death."[http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/158787/Rene-Descartes/43352/Residence-in-the-Netherlands Rene Descartes]", Encyclopædia Britannica. 2009. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 11 Oct. 2009.


Jun 10
Age: 31y


Boston, Massachusetts, USA ⇓
Appears in Boston. John Winthrop sends supplies to his son John Winthrop the younger, and mentions in his letter to his son "I left it to James and Thomas Skidmore to send such as might befittest both for travel and for your use." Thomas Skidmore and James would have presumably sent the materials from Boston. Thomas soon returned to England.
1 Source ⇓
1636 Utrecht University is founded in the Netherlands.


Age: 41y


New London, Connecticut, USA ⇓
Sells his home in Cambridge Massachussets on June 1, and quickly thereafter joins Governor Winthrop (the younger) in what is now New London. Reverend Thomas Peters wrote to Withrop on June 29 that "we shall be about 50 souls at the arrival of Goodman Skidmore whereof 30 will be infants." The town was then called Pequot or Nameag. Not long after Thomas Skidmore's arrival, the local Indian chief and about 300 of his tribe descended on a hunting party and friendly Indians from the town, where the settlers were chased back to town and an Indian village was destroyed.
1 Source ⇓
1646 First English Civil War – The Battle of Great Torrington, Devon, the last major battle of the conflict, is fought.


Apr 20
Age: 79y


He leaves his last wife Sarah his estate and "if Godshall taker her away before she hath spent all of the said of the estate" then one half of the residue was at her dispose and the other half was to be divided among his grandsons John Higby and John Skidmore.
1 Source ⇓
1684 • France under Louis XIV makes the Truce of Ratisbon separately with the Holy Roman Empire (Habsburg) and Spain.


Oct 31
Age: 79y


Fairfield, Connecticut, USA ⇓
The inventory of his
 estate was taken on November 13th and his widow Sarah was still alive on the 15th to certify. On December 8th the will and
 inventory were exhibited at court and it is noted that “the said Sarah is also within a fortnight after
 her husband’s decease also taken away by death.” Thomas Skidmore is also noted as deceased in a deed dated 1 November 1684 at Huntington; news
 of his death had obviously crossed Long Island Sound quickly. He lived to be roughly eighty years, surviving all of his five proven children.
2 Sources ⇓
1684 • King Charles II of England gives the title Duke of St Albans to Charles Beauclerk, his illegitimate son by Nell Gwyn.
