♂ William X

1099 - 1137


Duke of Aquitaine

William X
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William IX
William IX
1071 - 1126
Philippa Maude
Philippa Maude
1073 - 1118
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Eleanor of Aquitaine
1123 - 1204

In 1137 William joined the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela , but died of suspected food poisoning during the trip. On his deathbed, he expressed his wish to see king Louis VI of France as protector of his fifteen-year-old daughter Eleanor, and to find her a suitable husband. Louis VI naturally accepted this guardianship and married the heiress of Aquitaine to his own son, Louis VII .




Age: 24y
1123 First Council of the Lateran convenes in Rome; it confirms the Concordat of Worms (1122) and demands clerical celibacy in the Catholic Church.


Apr 9
Age: 38y
1137 Rochester Cathedral is severely damaged by a fire, but is soon rebuilt.
