♀ Agnes Leech

1730 - 1814

Agnes Leech
Thomas Lackey Sr.
Thomas Lackey Sr.
1728 - 1801
Margaret Lackey
Margaret Lackey
1767 - 1854

Among the passengers on board an immigrant ship sailing from Northern Ireland in 1748 were a Leech family of seven and Thomas Lackey.  Five of the Leeches died at sea, leaving only 18 year old Agnes and her 9 year old brother John.  Many of these immigrants settled in Lancaster, where Thomas Lackey married Agnes in 1754.  They and Agnes' brother John and his wife Martha (McComb) moved to the Shenandoah Valley, in what is now Rockbridge Virginia.





Age: 17y


Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA ⇓
Five of the Leeches died at sea, leaving only 18 year old Agnes with her 9 year old brother John upon arrival in America.
1 Source ⇓
1747 War of the Austrian SuccessionBattle of Lauffeld: France defeats the combined armies of Hanover, Great Britain and the Netherlands.


Age: 37y


Age: 38y
Lackey Family Book Excerpt


Rockbridge County, Virginia, USA ⇓
Thomas Lackey and Agnes Leech, along with her brother John and his wife Martha, moved to Shenandoah Valley, settling two miles west the Natural Bridge in what is now Rockbridge County. The large outside chimney of the old home still stands.
2 Sources ⇓
