♀ Margaret Lackey

1767 - 1854



Margaret Lackey
Thomas Lackey Sr.
Thomas Lackey Sr.
1728 - 1801
Agnes Leech
Agnes Leech
1730 - 1814
Samuel Miller
Samuel Miller
1805 - 1891

Margaret Lackey and her husband had 13 children, 6 girls and 7 boys.  Their home was known far and wide as a place of true hospitality.  Described as having had brown eyes and black hair, Margaret was known as "Aunt Peggy" to the many relatives who came to visit the Old Miller Homestead in Rockbridge.  As the Millers, Uncle Sam and Aunt Pegg were known widely and were greatly beloved.


1767 William Tryon, governor of the Royal Colony of North Carolina, signs a contract with architect John Hawks to build Tryon Palace, a lavish Georgian style governor's mansion on the New Bern waterfront.


Dec 19
Age: 21y
1787 • The first of the Federalist Papers, a series of essays calling for ratification of the U.S. Constitution, is published in a New York paper.


Apr 6
Age: 38y


Age: 87y


1854 • The General Assembly charters the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad to run from Goldsboro through New Bern to the newly created seaport of Morehead City near Beaufort.[http://www.historync.org/railroad-ANCRR.htm CommunicationSolutions/ISI, "Railroad — Atlantic & North Carolina"], North Carolina Business History, 2006, accessed 1 Feb 2010
