Alta Janetta Miller
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George Jacob Simon
George Jacob Simon
1875 - 1964
Estella Mary Miller
Estella Mary Miller
1878 - 1924
Lula Bell Miller
Lula Bell Miller
1880 - 1968
Charles Dewitt Miller
Charles Dewitt Miller
1887 - 1981


Feb 5
1874 27Second Battle of Somorrostro (Third Carlist War): In a renewed attempt to raise the siege of Bilbao by Don Carlos VII, Republican commander Marshal Francisco Serrano himself arrived with 27,000 men and 70 cannon. However in three days of fierce fighting, the Carlist General Joaquín Elío, with just 17,000 men, once again drove off the attack at nearby Somorrostro, and it was another six weeks before Serrano managed to relieve Bilbao.


Apr 2
Age: 66y
George Jacob Simon - 1940 United States Federal Census


Memphis, Scotland County, Missouri, USA ⇓
George lived at 140 West Jefferson Street in Memphis. Alta's mother, Harriet Madison Jenkins is living with them at 85 years old shortly before her death.
1 Source ⇓
1940 • WWII: Winston Churchill, in a broadcast address to the people of Italy, blames Benito Mussolini for leading his nation to war against the British, contrary to Italy's historic friendship with them: "One man has arrayed the trustees and inheritors of ancient Rome upon the side of the ferocious pagan barbarians."


Age: 91y
1966 • LSD is made illegal in the United States and controlled so strictly that not only are possession and recreational use criminalized, but all legal scientific research programs on the drug in the US are shut down as well.
