♀ Harriet Madison Jenkins

1854 - 1940



Harriet Madison Jenkins
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William Henry Miller
William Henry Miller
1843 - 1926
Alta Janetta Miller
Alta Janetta Miller
1874 - 1966
Estella Mary Miller
Estella Mary Miller
1878 - 1924
Lula Bell Miller
Lula Bell Miller
1880 - 1968
Charles Dewitt Miller
Charles Dewitt Miller
1887 - 1981
William Washington Jenkins
William W Jenkins
1838 - 1919
David Cravens Jenkins
David Cravens Jenkins
1840 - 1871
Mary Melvina Jenkins
Mary Melvina Jenkins
1841 - 1925
Eleven Jenkins
Eleven Jenkins
1843 - 1924
John Seldon Jenkins
John Seldon Jenkins
1845 - 1922
Rodney King Jenkins
Rodney King Jenkins
1848 - 1891
Priscilla Ann Jenkins
Priscilla Ann Jenkins
1852 - 1918


Apr 10
1854 German psychologist Friedrich Eduard Beneke disappears; 2 years later his remains are found in the canal near Charlottenburg.


Feb 5
Age: 19y
1874 Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis receive a U.S. patent for blue jeans with copper rivets. The price is $13.50 per dozen.


Jun 15
Age: 46y
1900 • The British archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans purchases the land on Crete on which the ruins of the palace of Knossos stand. He begins to unearth some of the palace three days later.


Age: 75y


Harriet (Jenkins) Miller and her family were the first residents at 140 W Jefferson St.
2 Sources ⇓
1930 José Félix Uriburu carries out a military coup, overthrowing Hipólito Yrigoyen, President of Argentina.


Apr 2
Age: 85y
George Jacob Simon - 1940 United States Federal Census


Memphis, Scotland County, Missouri, USA ⇓
Harriet is living with her daughter Alta and son-in-law George shortly before her death.
1 Source ⇓
1940 • WWII: Vichy France begins with a constitutional law which only 80 members of the parliament vote against. Philippe Pétain becomes Prime Minister of France.


Apr 30


Memphis, Scotland County, Missouri, USA ⇓
Buried in the Memphis Cemetery
1940 • WWII: Canada declares war on Italy.
