Anna Catherine Ruehl
Heinrich Ruehl
Heinrich Ruehl
1627 - 1689
Elisabetha Schneider
Elisabetha Schneider
1636 - 1686
Johann Valentin Lauck
Johann Valentin Lauck
1658 - 1709
Johann Abraham Lauck
Johann Abraham Lauck
1691 - 1771
Johan Valentine Laux and Anna Catherine (Ruehl) RuhlThis family lived in Hesse Darmstadt, now a part of Hesse Nassau, in the area of the old town of Wallau. Wallau in what was called "The Palatine" in Germany.  After the Wars of King Louis XIV this area along the Rhine was totally devastated and starvation was a reality. King Louis the XIV was upset with this group of people and worked to destroy them.  Johan Valentine and family went with 30,000 other Palatines to London in 1708 and 1709....