Benjamin Franklin Pile
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Thomas Monroe Pile
Thomas Monroe Pile
1855 - 1937
Joseph R Pile
Joseph R Pile
1880 - 1967
Ethel M Pile
Ethel M Pile
1882 - 1952
Leo V Pile
Leo V Pile
1886 - 1953
Alta Verlee Pile
Alta Verlee Pile
1889 - 1953
Ada Edith Pile
Ada Edith Pile
1891 - 1970
James W Pile
James W Pile
1894 - 1983
Hollis L Pile
Hollis L Pile
1897 - 1982


Jan 13
1878 Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld leaves Karlskrona on a voyage that will make him the first to navigate the Northern Sea Route, a shipping lane from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean along the Siberian coast.


May 6
Age: 88y
1966 • The Soviet Union declares that all Chinese students must leave the country before the end of October.
