♂ James W Pile

1894 - 1983

James W Pile
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Thomas Monroe Pile
Thomas Monroe Pile
1855 - 1937
Joseph R Pile
Joseph R Pile
1880 - 1967
Ethel M Pile
Ethel M Pile
1882 - 1952
Leo V Pile
Leo V Pile
1886 - 1953
Alta Verlee Pile
Alta Verlee Pile
1889 - 1953
Ada Edith Pile
Ada Edith Pile
1891 - 1970
Hollis L Pile
Hollis L Pile
1897 - 1982



Apr 1
1894 • A syzygy of planets occurs as Mercury transits the Sun as seen from Venus, and Mercury and Venus both transit the Sun as seen from Saturn, but no two of the transits are simultaneous.
