Oct 9
1708 • Italian philosopher Giambattista Vico delivers his inaugural lecture to the University of Naples, published as his first book, On the Study Methods of Our Time, in 1709. |
Oct 10
Age: 28y
1736 • One of the earliest records of use of a Bathing machine is made at Scarborough in England. |
Age: 48y
militaryHe served in the French and Indian War. Benjamin King marched on the alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1761. The drawing is of a conference between "French and Indian leaders around a ceremonial fire". The French and Indian War was between the English and French colonies, with both sides depending upon Native American allies and support from their parent countries. In 1756, France and Britain formally declared war against each other. Ultimately Britain would claim victory, having 2 million settlers compared to France’s sixty thousand. The result “was one of the most significant developments in a century of Anglo-French conflict.” France would give up all territory east of the Mississippi River to Britain, and give French Louisiana to Spain, as recompense for Spain loosing Florida to Britain. 2 Sources ⇓ |
1757 • Seven Years' War – Battle of Prague (1757): Frederick the Great defeats an Austrian army and begins to besiege the city. |
Age: 75y