1703 • Edirne event: Sultan Mustafa II of the Ottoman Empire is dethroned. |
Age: 7y
1710 • In Sweden, the Royal Society of Sciences in Uppsala is founded as the Collegium curiosorum. |
Nov 22
Age: 21y
marriageRobert Van Deusen Kingston, New York, USA ⇓ 1 Source ⇓ |
1724 • King Philip V of Spain abdicates the throne in favour of his 16-year old son Louis I. |
May 9
Age: 109y
birth of childJames Van Deusen Kinderhook, Columbia, New York, USA ⇓ 4 Sources ⇓ |
1812 • Luddites attack the wool processing factory of Frank Vickerman in West Yorkshire. |
Apr 21
Age: 61y
1764 • English scholar Edward Gibbon conceives the idea of writing The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire "as I sat musing amid the ruins of the Capitol". |