♀ Dorothy Chaffee

1743 - 1823

Dorothy Chaffee
James Chaffee
James Chaffee
1713 - 1799
Beriah Hayden
Beriah Hayden
1715 - 1758
Henry J Franklin
Henry J Franklin
1741 - 1783

Dorothy was the third eldest in a family of twenty children.


May 6
1743 Battle of Dettingen in Bavaria: King George II of Great Britain leads his own troops, the last British king to do so.


May 22
Age: 16d


Jul 29
Age: 23y
1766 Jean-François Lefebvre de la Barre was a young French nobleman, famous for having been tortured and beheaded before his body was burnt on a pyre along with a copy of Voltaire's "Philosophical Dictionary" nailed to his torso for the crime of not saluting a Roman Catholic religious procession in Abbeville, France.


Feb 6
Age: 34y
Henry Tolman Franklin - Connecticut Town Birth Records

birth of child

Henry Tolman Franklin
Woodstock, Connecticut, USA ⇓
Henry Tolman had five older sisters, Mary, Lotheta, Dolly, Electa, and Dorothy, and a younger brother John. His oldest sister Mary was born in Pomfret, Connecticut.
2 Sources ⇓
1778 South Carolina becomes the first state to ratify the Articles of Confederation.


Oct 27
Age: 80y
1823 Joseph Smith, Jr. claimed in 1838 that on this day he had first come to the place where the golden plates were stored, having been directed there by God through an angel.
