♀ Dorothy Chaffee

1743 - 1823

Dorothy Chaffee
James Chaffee
James Chaffee
1713 - 1799
Beriah Hayden
Beriah Hayden
1715 - 1758
Henry J Franklin
Henry J Franklin
1741 - 1783

Dorothy was the third eldest in a family of twenty children.


May 22
Age: 16d
1743 Battle of La Guaira: a British expeditionary fleet under Sir Charles Knowles is defeated by the Spanish.


Feb 6
Age: 34y
Henry Tolman Franklin - Connecticut Town Birth Records

birth of child

Henry Tolman Franklin
Woodstock, Connecticut, USA ⇓
Henry Tolman had five older sisters, Mary, Lotheta, Dolly, Electa, and Dorothy, and a younger brother John. His oldest sister Mary was born in Pomfret, Connecticut.
2 Sources ⇓
1778 • In the Hawaiian Islands, Captain James Cook becomes the first European to land on Maui.


Oct 27
Age: 80y
1823 James Monroe first introduces the Monroe Doctrine in the State of the Union Address, declaring that any European attempts to recolonize the Americas would be considered a hostile act towards the United States.
