♂ Henry J Franklin

1741 - 1783



Henry J Franklin
James Franklin
James Franklin
1709 - 1800
Hannah Tolman
Hannah Tolman
1710 - 1804
Dorothy Chaffee
Dorothy Chaffee
1743 - 1823


Jul 29
Age: 24y
1766 Sweden introduces its Freedom of the Press Act, becoming the first country of the world to protect freedom of the press in the Constitution and to pass wide-ranging freedom of information legislation.


Nov 26
Age: 28y
1769 James Watt is granted a patent for improvements to the steam engine, an invention which helps inaugurate the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain.


Feb 6
Age: 36y
Henry Tolman Franklin - Connecticut Town Birth Records

birth of child

Henry Tolman Franklin
Woodstock, Connecticut, USA ⇓
Henry Tolman had five older sisters, Mary, Lotheta, Dolly, Electa, and Dorothy, and a younger brother John. His oldest sister Mary was born in Pomfret, Connecticut.
2 Sources ⇓
1778 American Revolutionary War: In Paris the Treaty of Alliance and the Treaty of Amity and Commerce are signed by the United States and France, signaling official French recognition of the new republic.


Age: 37y


Served in the 4th Connecticut Regiment in the Revolutionary War, under the US Continental Army.
2 Sources ⇓
1779 • The city of Tampere, Finland, is founded.
