Elizabeth Klein
Sarah Fischer
Sarah Fischer
1792 - 1864


1764 • The Royal Colony of North Carolina establishes a new county from the eastern portion of Granville County and names it Bute County for John Stuart, 3rd Earl of Bute, who had recently resigned his post as Prime Minister of Great Britain. In 1779 the State of North Carolina abolishes the county when it forms Warren County from the northern portion and Franklin County from the southern portion.


Aug 20
Age: 28y


Age: 86y
Elizabeth Klein - 1850 United States Federal Census


New York City, New York, United States ⇓
She is living with Robert and Elizabeth Traves. Elizabeth is likely her daughter. Robert Traves is working as a hatter.
1 Source ⇓
1850 Richard Wagner's romantic opera Lohengrin (including the Bridal Chorus) premieres under the direction of Franz Liszt in Weimar.


Jun 9
Age: 91y
William Van Norden, Sarah Fischer, & Elizabeth Fischer - 1855 New York State Census


New York City, New York, United States ⇓
Sarah Fischer's mom, Elizabeth, is living with William Van Norden and Sarah Fischer at 91 years old. William Van Norden is a printer.
1 Source ⇓
1855 Alexander II of Russia ascends the Russian throne, upon the death of his father Nicholas I.
