♀ Sarah Fischer

1792 - 1864



Sarah Fischer
William A Van Norden
William A Van Norden
1795 - 1871
Catherine Van Norden
Catherine Van Norden
1811 - 1903



Aug 20


Age: 7y
1800 Alessandro Volta describes his new invention, the voltaic pile, the first chemical battery, in a letter to the Royal Society of London.


Age: 18y
1811 Battle of Tippecanoe: American troops led by William Henry Harrison defeat the Native American spiritual leader Tenskwatawa, also known as The Prophet (Chief Tecumseh's brother).


Age: 57y


Aug 19
Age: 57y
1850 US census shows that 11.2% of the population classed as "Negro" are of mixed race.


Aug 19
Age: 57y
1850 US census shows that 11.2% of the population classed as "Negro" are of mixed race.


Age: 62y
William Van Norden, Sarah Fischer, & Elizabeth Fischer - 1855 New York State Census


New York City, New York, United States ⇓
Sarah Fischer's mom, Elizabeth, is living with William Van Norden and Sarah Fischer at 91 years old.
1 Source ⇓
1855 Pennsylvania State University is founded as the Farmers' High School of Pennsylvania.


Age: 62y
William Van Norden, Sarah Fischer, & Elizabeth Fischer - 1855 New York State Census


New York City, New York, United States ⇓
Sarah Fischer's mom, Elizabeth, is living with William Van Norden and Sarah Fischer at 91 years old. William Van Norden is a painter.
1 Source ⇓
1855 Alexander II of Russia ascends the Russian throne, upon the death of his father Nicholas I.


Age: 62y
William Van Norden, Sarah Fischer, & Elizabeth Fischer - 1855 New York State Census


New York City, New York, United States ⇓
Sarah Fischer's mom, Elizabeth, is living with William Van Norden and Sarah Fischer at 91 years old. William Van Norden is a printer.
1 Source ⇓
1855 Michigan State University (the "pioneer" land-grant college) is established.


Jun 5
Age: 62y
William Van Norden, Sarah Fischer, & Elizabeth Fischer - 1855 New York State Census


New York City, New York, United States ⇓
Sarah Fischer's mom, Elizabeth, is living with William Van Norden and Sarah Fischer at 91 years old. William Van Norden is a painter.
1 Source ⇓
1855 Alexander II of Russia ascends the Russian throne, upon the death of his father Nicholas I.


Jun 9
Age: 62y
William Van Norden, Sarah Fischer, & Elizabeth Fischer - 1855 New York State Census


New York City, New York, United States ⇓
Sarah Fischer's mom, Elizabeth, is living with William Van Norden and Sarah Fischer at 91 years old. William Van Norden is a printer.
1 Source ⇓
1855 • Large-scale Bleeding Kansas violence begins with events leading to the 'Wakarusa War' between antislavery and proslavery forces.


Jun 9
Age: 62y
William Van Norden, Sarah Fischer, & Elizabeth Fischer - 1855 New York State Census


New York City, New York, United States ⇓
Sarah Fischer's mom, Elizabeth, is living with William Van Norden and Sarah Fischer at 91 years old. William Van Norden is a painter.
1 Source ⇓
1855 • The region of Wairarapa, New Zealand is hit by the strongest earthquake ever recorded in New Zealand (Magnitude 8.1 on the Richter Scale); there are five deaths.


Age: 67y
William Van Norden & Sarah Fischer - United States Federal Census 1860


Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA ⇓
William Van Norden was a librarian, him and Sarah living with their daughter Sarah and her husband Alexander Morris. Their other daughter Elizabeth is also living there.
1 Source ⇓


Jun 20
Age: 67y
William Van Norden & Sarah Fischer - United States Federal Census 1860


Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA ⇓
William Van Norden was a librarian, him and Sarah living with their daughter Sarah and her husband Alexander Morris. Their other daughter Elizabeth is also living there. The image is from a city directory around the time, showing the library William worked at.
1 Source ⇓
1860 • The Grand Duchy of Tuscany is annexed to the newly formed Kingdom of Italy.


Jun 20
Age: 67y
William Van Norden & Sarah Fischer - United States Federal Census 1860


Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA ⇓
William Van Norden was a librarian, him and Sarah living with their daughter Sarah and her husband Alexander Morris. Their other daughter Elizabeth is also living there. The image is from a city directory around the time, showing the library William worked at.
2 Sources ⇓
1860 • While campaigning for the presidency, Abraham Lincoln makes a speech defending the right to strike.


Jun 20
Age: 67y
William Van Norden & Sarah Fischer - United States Federal Census 1860


Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA ⇓
William Van Norden was a librarian, him and Sarah living with their daughter Sarah and her husband Alexander Morris. Their other daughter Elizabeth is also living there. The image is from a city directory around the time; it shows which library William worked at.
2 Sources ⇓
1860 Charles Dickens publishes the first installment of Great Expectations in his magazine All the Year Round.


Jun 20
Age: 67y
William Van Norden & Sarah Fischer - United States Federal Census 1860


Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA ⇓
William Van Norden was a librarian, him and Sarah living with their daughter Sarah and her husband Alexander Morris. Their other daughter Elizabeth is also living there. The image is from a city directory around the time; it shows which library William worked at, the Apprentices' Library, est. 1820.
2 Sources ⇓
1860 • Meeting at Teano: Giuseppe Garibaldi gives Naples to the king Victor Emmanuel II, recognizing him as King of Italy.


Jun 20
Age: 67y
William Van Norden & Sarah Fischer - United States Federal Census 1860


Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA ⇓
William Van Norden was a librarian, him and Sarah living with their daughter Sarah and her husband Alexander Morris. Their other daughter Elizabeth is also living there.
1 Source ⇓
1860 • Battle of Calatafimi: Troops under Giuseppe Garibaldi defeat the army of Naples in Sicily, during the Second Italian independence war.
