Francis Gray and Maryland's Civil War "The governour being returned from Pascatoway, by {Captain Henrie} ffleets directions, we came some 9 or 10 leagues lower in the river Patomeck, to a lesser river on the north side of it, as bigge as Thames, which we call St George. This river makes two excellent bayes, wherein might harbor 300 saile of 1000 tunne a peece with very great safetie, the one called St Georges bay {later named St Inigoe’s creek}, the other more inward, St Maries bay. On the...
Written June 7, 1667 and proved and recorded July 31, 1667 it reads as follows:"In the name of God Amen, I Francis Gray do make and constitute and ordain this My Last will and Testament in manner and form as follows: I give and bequeath unto my loving wife, Alice Gray, and my son Francis Gray all my movable Estate, such as horses, cattle, hogs, to them and their heirs forever. I will and bequeath to my son, Francis Gray, all my land in this County or elsewhere, be it by bill of Sale,...
Evan Watkin Will Frederick CO, VA, May 1764, Aug 1765. w Mary. Sons Evan, Peter, David. Grson Evan Watkins, son of eldest son Thos, dec'd,Dau Jean Watkins, Ann Lewis wife of Roger Lewis,Eleanor Freaks w of Henry Freaks, Exe son Evan Watkins. Wit : John Paul, Thos. Adams, John Champion. The will is also mentioned here: The following is from "Pioneers of Old Frederick County", by Cecil O'Dell-- Evan Watkins was first recorded in the Orange County, Virginia Records 27 August 1741 as having a...
Will of John Snell:
Scott County, Kentucky; Will Book C; pages 151-154; dated 4 May 1820; ProbatedJuly Court, 1820.
I John Snell of the County of Scott and State of Kentucky being of sound anddisposing mind and Memory doth constitute and ordain this my last will and testamentrevoking all others by me made heretofore in the name ......Amen...
Item 1st I give and bequeath that all the ......heretofore given I put in the possession of my....hereafter named to wit: Joseph Snell, John Snell...
THOMAS GARNETT HIS MUSTERTHOMAS GARNETT aged 40 in the Swan 1610 ELZABETH GARNETT ag ed 26 in the Neptune 1618 **SUSAN GARNETT aged 3 borne in V irginia** AMBROSE GYFFITH aged 33 in the Bona Nova 1619 JOY SE GYFFITH aged 20 in the Jacob 1624PROVISION: Corne, 5 barreles; fish, 500 ct; house, 1; boate , 1. ARMES: peeces, 3; pistole, 1; Armor, 1; swords, 4; pow dr, 2 lb; lead, 8 lb.Susan Garnett, the future wife of Richard Foster, was probably born and raised at Elizabeth Cittie, in the...
In reply to Larry Mabra's enquiry posted on the GARNETT-List@rootsweb on Sunday, December 20th concerning the ancestors of Elizabeth GARNETT who married Robert FOSTER [b. 1651, d. 1716], I do have a few additional details on this particular Elizabeth GARNETT which may be of help to you. The information that I have in my GARNETT family database shows that this Elizabeth GARNETT was born in 1660 at Gloucester County, Virginia. Her father's name was Thomas GARNETT, but I cannot say for certain...
There have been numerous reports as to the number and names of Richard and Sussan’s male children. They number range from two (Robert and John) to seven (Robert, John, Richard, James, George, Thomas, and William.) However, Robert and John are the only ones for which we have documentation. This does not mean that the others did not exist it only means that we have documentation for only two. Robert Foster the first ancestor for which we have documentation was born between 1651 and 1660 in...
Will of Robert Foster (abstracted)Will of Robert Foster of St. Ann's Parish, Essex Co., Virginia described as "yea'man" which doubtless is intended for "yeoman."Date of January 1715/16 Probated 22 February 1715/16To son Robert plantation where he lived.To sons James and John "Land where I dwelt: to be divided between them James to have his choice."To Barby Loving one shilling and to her son Richard Loveing "one heighfer with calve named "Rosamary". To her husband "all he is indebted to...