
It has long been established that Thomas Skidmore, who emigrated to New England in the 1630s, had a wife named Ellen. For many years, researchers sought evidence that would identify her maiden surname. Some thought it might be Whitehead. Since at least 1998, various researchers have suggested she might have been born a Prigg or Prigge. Some member of the Latter Day Saints has submitted information to this effect to the International Genealogical Index, and it has also been spread to the...
This is a Message Board Post that is gatewayed to this mailing list. Author: ckutasy Surnames: Classification: queries Message Board URL: Message Board Post: Hi Pamela... I was having some difficulty with the Buswell line. Then I was fortunate in getting an msg from Stephen Ralph Boswell. Stephen has spent thousands of hours and dollars in researching the Buswell line over a 60-year span. He's also hired 3...
JOHN HIGBED (1585-1641) and URSULA BLACKNELL (1589-1684) John Higbed is supposed to have been born 30 November 1585 in Ivinghoe, Buckinghamshire, England. (This county’s name is sometimes abbreviated to Bucks.) The name Buckinghamshire — since the 12th century — is Anglo-Saxon in origin and means "The district (scire) of Bucca's home", named after a landowner at the time. The Anglo-Saxons probably had the greatest influence on Buckinghamshire as they named most of the towns and geographical...
'The will of Roger Buswell, dated 22 November 1606 ... named ... his wife Margaret and specified the order of his sons and daugthers as respectively Elias, Erasmus, William, Thomas, and Isaac, sons, and Agnes, Susanna, Rebecca, and Joan, daughters. ...
Jacobus in The American Genealogist (hereinafter TAG) 25:126-139 had an article on Richard Smith who was in Withersfield, Conn., by 1669 and died there about 1670 aged about 80. It gives many of his decedents but nothing on his ancestry. The facts given herein tend to show that he was the grandson of Alderman William Smith of Stratford on Avon, co. Warwick, England, and his wife, sister of the Bishop of Winchester. Master William Smith, the mercer, was called alderman, an office next below...
Richard was Great-Great-Grandfather of Thomas Skidmore (1605-1684) of New England. His parentage is unknown, but he is doubtless related to the Robert Skydmore living at Westerleigh in 1463. He owned a freehold estate at Mayshill. Gloucestershire is particularly poor in early probates and none was found for Richard. While he was living in 1539 he does not appear on the muster taken of able bodied men in the county from 16 to 60 taken only three years later in 1542 being either dead or...
John is listed in a muster taken in the tithing of Westerleigh in 1542.  The muster is divided into two columns of able bodied men: "archers able" and a slightly longer list of "bylemen able". John is listed with the able archers. The tithing had also furnished harness for four men and two archers and two billmen.
REFN: 5120 Custom Field:<_FA#> Bef 30 Nov 1615England WILLIAM SKYDMORE (SCUDA MORE) 1545-1615 WILLIAM SKYDMORE - Born about 1545 at Mayshill, Westerle igh,England. He was doubtless over 60 in 1608 and a younger son of John Skyd moreof that place. He was living there on 8 September 1614, but was dead by 3 0November 1615 when the administration of his estate was given to his son Joh nScudamore. Much of what we know kof this William Skidmore comes from the long gossipy will of his sister...
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