
     I, Joice Butler being through Gods blessing at present, of sound memory and understanding, doe make this my last will, and testament: Revoking all former whatsoever; and first my will is and I will and be- queath to my son Hennerie Butler, my Silver Boule and a carpet, & to each of his three sonnes, one Silver Spoone:     Nextly, I will and bequeath, to my Grandson John Butler, all the brass of the kitchen; and to my Grandson Thomas Butler one iron pot- tage pott, an Iron Kettle, and...
Mr. Nicholas Butler deceased the 13th of August in the year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Seventy one The Record of his will: This doth testify that I Nicholas Butler Being at present Sound in memory doe Now by this my last will give my Estate Whatsoever that I left after I Shall be buried like a Christian wholly unto my wife Joyce Butler, uppon serious consideration for her to dispose of to hir children and my children as shee shall see good, and hereunto I praise [god] being of...
6. JOHN BUTLER, (Nicholas1) bapt. 2 Jan. 1624; res. Dorchester, rem. to E. abt. 1652, husbandman. He m. MARY LYNDE, dau. of Thomas of Charlestown, who was b. abt. 1629. He d. 1658 and his wid. was app. admx.; inventory dated 21 July 1658, amounted to £219-9-11 which was divided among his heirs when the children reached their majority. He is the ancestor of all the Vineyard Butlers, as his only brother Henry returned to England and descendants of him now reside there. For convenience of...
1st day 10th month 1680, I John Chadwick senior of Malden... my will is that my two sons John and James shall have two thirds parts of all my land and that they shall have their shares on that side which is next to their own land.My son Samuel shall have the other third part to the Eastward with the house and orchyard.James and Samuel shall each of them pay five pounds unto my son John. In case any one of the said sons should die leaving no issue, the land of his share shall be equally...
6. Richard MARTIN Jr . (See his page) Richard’s will dated  6/2/1686 and probated 5/7/1695 names no wife. At the Rhode Island Historical Society Library at Providence, in D.A.R. record books of Vital Statistics compiled by various Chapters, by years. In Vol. for year 1956. Abstracts of Wills and Probates of Pawtucket, R.I. Probate of Will; Name; Richard Martin of Rehoboth, Colony of New PlymouthDate; June 2, 1686 Probated; May 7, 1695 Wife; None mentioned Sons; Richard Martin, Jr.; John...
Obituary from The Derrick (Oil City, Pennsylvania Newspaper Monday August 10, 1914). This Article was very difficult to decipher, (?) marks indicate words or characters I am unsure of.Miss Julia TaylorMiss Julia Taylor, aged 75(?) a native of Clarion County, for many years a resident of Oil City, died from pulmonary (?) tuberculosis (?) at her home in Pittsburgh Saturday Morning. The body was brought here by Undertaker John W. Oseinder (?) matis(?) Sunday. It was taken to Grove Hill Cemetery...
That the wife of William Comstock was named "Elizabeth" is from:"25 Jan 1659. William Comstock of New London deeded 8 acres in New London to Will Houge, carpenter, with consent of wife Elizabeth." [Note: C. B. Comstock quotes the deed as "with the consent of my n ow  wife Elizabeth". Some researchers have interpreted this to mean that William Comstock had more than one wife, but the expression "my now wife" in legal terms at that time in New England only meant the wife, not that there had...
389. William Comstock . Born ca Jul 1595 in Culmstock, Devonshire.William was baptized in Colmstock, Devonshire, on 4 Jul 1595.William died ca 1683 in New London, CT. William died in his home on Post Hill.He served in the military as a soldier in the Pequot War.From "A History and Genealogy of the Comstock Family in America" by John Adams Comstock:"About 1635, or shortly there after, there came from England to the Massachusetts settlements one William Comstock. From whence he sailed. And on...
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