"...Since John Waldo was Nathan’s great-grandfather, it is conceivable that the chair descended through the male line; however, under New England partible inheritance laws, males typically inherited real estate, whereas females inherited “moveables,” including household furniture. It is much more likely that Nathan inherited the chair from his mother, Abigail Elderkin Waldo (b. 1715), great-granddaughter of John Elderkin. Elderkin arrived in New England about 1637. His daughter, Abigail, was...
I William Chapman of New London senior, being sick adn weak of body, but threw the goodness of God, in perfect memory and good understanding, do make this my last Will and Testament revoking amaking void all others:first I resine up my sole to God who gave it and my body to the ground be buried decently and handsomely, and what of the things of this world God hath grasassly given me I depose of as followeth, first I will that all my just debts be honestly discharged and payed, and as to my...
Samuel II was born on the old homestead of Henry Miller, Sr., his grandfathr. Samuel and his wife Janetta Wilson were schoolmates. Her fathr bought a farm adjoining the Miller farm in Rockbridge County, Virginia, when she was three years of age. Samuel was of an active, hopeful, confident and temperament. His maxim through life was "think you conquer and you conquer." In the cause of temperance, when a young man, he with five others signed a total abstinence pledge and stayed by it...
Janetta (Wilson) Miller was a sincere, true, faithful, Christian wife and mother. The heart of her husband safely trusted in her; and he could say, "Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellent them all." A few days before her death, she told her husband that she was prepared to go, and was going to Jesus, her Savior. She was called home, August 27, 1878.
Samuel Miller, sixth son of Samuel Miller, Sen., and his wife, Margaret(Lackey) Miller, was born Apr. 6, 1805, on the old homestead of HenryMiller Sen., his grandfather. Janetta Wilson, third daughter of Jamesand Deborah (Patterson) Wilson, was born Oct. 25, 1810, in Augusta Co.Her father bought a farm, adjoining the Miller farm, in Rockbridge Co.,when she was three years of age; and Samuel Miller and Janetta Wilson,were schoolmates. They were married Sept. 4, 1834. He was of an...
This information is on pages 181, 182 & 285 and was derived from "The History of the House of Ochiltrees" book, compiled by Clementine (Brown) Railey and published by the Bulletin Printing Company, in 1916.Samuel "Sam" Miller I, came with his parents when he was 10 years old, in 1770, to Rockbridge County, Virginia. Samuel and his wife Margaret "Peggy" Lackey, lived on the homestead of Henry Miller, his father, near the Natual Bridge. In their later years the old home passed into the...
Henry Miller's WillI Henry Miller of Rockbridge County, and State of Virginia,being in a declining state of health but of sound mind and memoryand also considering the mortal state of man in this life do thinkit necessary to settle my temporal concerns in the manner followingviz:First I desire that my body may be decently buried at thediscretion of my executors hereinafter named and further that alljust claims against my estate may be settled (sic) and paid out ofmy estate and first of all I...
"Mrs. Margaret McGinnis died Saturday night at the residence, 718 Weller Street, at the age of 80 years. The funeral will take place at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning from the Church of Our Lady of Good Help. Interment following at Cavalry cemetery."