Johannes Wilhelm Klinger was born on 18 November 1694 in Pfaffen-Beerfurth, Odenwald, Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany. He was born approximately eight months after his father passed away and was raised by his step-father, Simon Ritter. He was the son of Johann George Klinger and Anna Elizabeth Gottmann. Johannes Wilhelm Klinger was baptized on 20 November 1694 in Pfaffen-Beerfurth, Odenwald, Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, sponsor: Godfather - Johann Heust Wagner. He married Agatha Heist, daughter of...
Henry Bourne was born about 1719 in Virginia Colony, Essex Co., St Mary's Parish. He died on 15 October 1787 at the age of 68 in USA, Kentucky, Fayette County. Henry appears in 1787 Orange Co. Va. Tax List along with James, John, Reuben, Thomas and William (alphabetical listing). In the actual listing it is noted that Henry is charged with the tax for Thomas and Reuben-thus they were dependant on him but over 21.There is no will or probate record in Orange Co. VA for the settlement of Henry's...
The du Bois Family were known as Grand Masters of the Forest. All familyrecords were intentionally destroyed by Louis XIV since they wereProtestant. Lands and goods were confiscated. Their names wereerased and torn out of all church records. Antoine held the titles ofChevalier, Seigneur de Vermeilles.
1771-1772, Vol. 2-115Berks County, Pennsylvania-abstactsLOUCK, ABRAHAM-HEIDLEBERGMentions having sold his real estate to sons, George and Abraham.And provides for wife CatharinaDevises all personal estate in 4 equal shares as follows:1/4 to daughter Christina married to George Peter Zerbe, 1/4 to daughter Cathrina married to Lazarus Wenger. 1/4 to be divided in 2 equal shares to daughter Elizabeth married to Peter Zerbe and the other share to my grandchild, to wit, John Miller, Christina...
Abraham Lauck and Catherina Becker/Lauck had two daughters that many get mixed up."MARIA CATHERINA LAUCK" -born 1711 married Jacob Mountz and after Jacob died in 1753 she married John Tieter/Dieter?Her sister "ANNA CATHERINA LAUCK" born 1721 married Lazarus Wenger.They both had many children beween them, giving birth during the same time period. They are clearly two seperate sisters. Ancestry has the marraige record wrong.When Maria Catherina Lauck/Mountz's husband Jacob died in 1753, Her...
The Plaster surname is Anglicized from the German name "Platsher". German derivations of the name include Pflaster, Pflasterer, Plaesterer, etc. It is speculated that Plasters originally founded in Paris (as in Plaster of Paris) where they started a craftsman commune or syndicate specializing in plaster art craft, such as ceilings and walls. This was in about the 9th century in the Kingdom of Normandy in France before France had a single king. This skill gave them the ability to travel and...
A representative Of Grove Hill Cemetery was contacted in August of 2011. He checked the cemetery records and found that there are four individuals interred in section 16, lot 48: George D. Clinger his wife Catherine E. Clinger, Mary E. Clinger and Julia Taylor. Catherine's burial took place 21 October 1902, this also was the source of her middle initial "E" and verification of Catherine with a "C". Mary E. Clinger is Catherine and George's daughter Mary Elizabeth, her interment took place...
Obituary from The Derrick (Oil City, Pennsylvania Newspaper Thursday May 13, 1909).This Article was very difficult to decipher, (?) marks indicate words or characters I am unsure of.Recent Deaths, George D. Clinger,George D. Clinger aged 79 years died at his home at Walnut Bend at 4 (?) PM Wednesday afternoon after an illness of about a week's duration, from pneumonia of the lungs. Mr. Clinger was born at Cochranton, Crawford County in 1829. Forty years ago he removed from that place to...