1765 • Jean-Jacques Rousseau's house in Switzerland is stoned by a mob. |
Age: 25y
birth of childEleanor Frakes Green, Pennsylvania, USA ⇓ 1 Source ⇓ |
1790 • Rhode Island ratifies the United States Constitution and becomes the last of the 13 original states to do so. |
Age: 45y
residenceElizabethtown, Hardin, Kentucky, USA ⇓ She is living in Elizabethtown, just like her daughter Eleanor. 1 Source ⇓ |
1810 • The Tonquin sets sail from New York Harbor with 33 employees of John Jacob Astor's newly created Pacific Fur Company on board. After a 6-month journey around the tip of South America, the ship arrives at the mouth of the Columbia River and Astor's men establish the fur-trading town of Astoria. |
Feb 23
Age: 49y
marriageNathan Tucker Hardin County, Kentucky, USA ⇓ She married secondly Nathan Turner. 1 Source ⇓ |
1814 • Missionaries attempt to write down the Māori language. |
Age: 49y
Age: 49y
1814 • Denmark cedes Norway to Sweden in exchange for west Pomerania, as part of the Treaty of Kiel. |