His wife's name was Hannah.
Mar 4
1678 • Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia becomes the first woman to be awarded a university degree, a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Padua. |
Dec 6
Age: 32y
birth of childHannah Tolman Attleboro, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA ⇓ It would seem the Hannah Tolman, daughter of Henry, born in 1710 in Attleboro was the Hannah Tolman who married James Franklin. The year of birth matches up, as well as the location, names, and the fact that it has been said she's the only Hannah in the right time window. 3 Sources ⇓ |
1710 • In Sweden, the Royal Society of Sciences in Uppsala is founded as the Collegium curiosorum. |
Sep 28
Age: 81y
1759 • In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the first American life insurance company is incorporated. |