Jul 12
1764 • The English-language Quebec Gazette is established in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. As of 2014, it is the oldest surviving newspaper in North America. |
Jul 29
Age: 17d
Jan 15
Age: 21y
marriageGrietje Margrieta Van Deusen 1 Source ⇓ |
1786 • The town of Martinsborough, North Carolina, itself named for Royal Governor Josiah Martin in 1771, is renamed "Greenesville" in honor of United States General Nathanael Greene by the North Carolina General Assembly; the name "Greenesville" is later shortened to become Greenville. |
Nov 12
Age: 22y
birth of childCornelius Van Deusen Kinderhook, Columbia, New York, USA ⇓ He named his first two children James and Elizabeth, the names of his maternal grandparents, then his daughter Margaret, the Americanized name of his wife. His son John's name is likely an Americanization of Johannes, his paternal grandfather's name. Isaac and Matthew's names could have come from his wife's family, as they are both her brother's names. 3 Sources ⇓ |
1786 • Mozart's opera The Marriage of Figaro premieres in Vienna. |
Jun 26
Age: 25y
birth of childElizabeth Van Deusen Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA ⇓ |
1790 • Alexander Hamilton's Assumption Bill, giving effect to his First Report on the Public Credit, is passed in the United States Congress, allowing the federal government to assume the consolidated debts of the U.S. states. |
Age: 38y
birth of childJohn V Van Deusen |
1803 • The convention of Artlenburg leads to the French occupation of Hanover (which had been ruled by the British king). |
Mar 22
Age: 82y
Mar 22
Age: 82y
deathNo death date given, only that his will was recorded Mar 22 1847. 1 Source ⇓ |
1847 • Yerba Buena, California is renamed San Francisco. |