♂ James Van Deusen

1812 - 1910



James Van Deusen
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Cornelius Van Deusen
Cornelius Van Deusen
1786 - 1873
Maria McCagg
Maria McCagg
1792 - 1868
Sophia Smith
Sophia Smith
1819 - 1900
Elizabeth Van Deusen
Elizabeth Van Deusen
1814 - 1891
Margaret Van Deusen
Margaret Van Deusen
1817 - 1892
Matthew Van Deusen
Matthew Van Deusen
1821 - 1917
John Van Deusen
John Van Deusen
1825 - 1891
Isaac Van Deusen
Isaac Van Deusen
1829 - 1918
Frank Van Deusen
Frank Van Deusen
1832 - 1927


May 8
Age: 32y
1845 • American newspaper editor John L. O'Sullivan claims (in connection with the annexation of Texas) in The United States Magazine and Democratic Review that the United States should be allowed "the fullfillment of our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions". It is the second time he uses the term manifest destiny and will have a huge influence on American imperialism in the following century.


Apr 29
Age: 97y
