♀ Maria McCagg

1791 - 1868


Elizabeth, McKeg

Maria McCagg
Rosanna Goodrich
Rosanna Goodrich
1768 - 1843
Cornelius Van Deusen
Cornelius Van Deusen
1786 - 1873
James Van Deusen
James Van Deusen
1812 - 1910
Elizabeth Van Deusen
Elizabeth Van Deusen
1814 - 1891
Margaret Van Deusen
Margaret Van Deusen
1817 - 1892
Matthew Van Deusen
Matthew Van Deusen
1821 - 1917
John Van Deusen
John Van Deusen
1825 - 1891
Isaac Van Deusen
Isaac Van Deusen
1829 - 1918
Frank Van Deusen
Frank Van Deusen
1832 - 1927



Sep 16
Cornelius Van Deusen, Maria McCagg, & Margaret Van Deusen - 1860 United States Federal Census


Kinderhook, Columbia, New York, USA ⇓
She had brothers Isaac McCagg of Chicago, Illinois, and Matthew McCagg, of Warsaw N.Y. Her mother's name was Rosanna. This information comes from the Ancestry and Descendents of Cornelius and John J Van Deusen. Isaac Van Deusen, her brother, was born abt. 1793, and there is a birth record in New York at a Dutch Reformed Church for an Isaac McCagg born in 1794, the son of Matthew McCagg and Rosanna Goodrich.
4 Sources ⇓
1791 • The School for the Indigent Blind, the oldest continuously operating specialist school of its kind in the world, is founded in Liverpool, England, by blind ex-merchant seaman, writer and abolitionist Edward Rushton.


Age: 11y
1803 • The first edition of Alexandre Balthazar Laurent Grimod de La Reynière's Almanach des gourmands, the first guide to restaurant cooking, is published in Paris.


Mar 24
Age: 19y


May 9
Age: 20y


Oct 4
Age: 26y
1817 • U.S. Congress passes law to split the Mississippi Territory, after Mississippi drafts a constitution, creating the Alabama Territory effective in August.


Jul 3
Age: 58y
1850 • Delegate Edward Ralph May delivers speech on behalf of African American suffrage to the Indiana Constitutional Convention.


Jul 29
Age: 76y
1868 Grito de Lares: Rebels (some 400–600 led by Ramón Emeterio Betances) in the town of Lares declare Puerto Rico independent; the local militia easily defeats them a week later.
