1929 • Japanese forces withdraw from Shandong province to their garrison in Tsingtao bringing an end to the Jinan Incident. |
Age: 11y
1940 • WWII: U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt denounces Italy's actions with his [ "Stab in the Back"] speech during the graduation ceremonies of the University of Virginia. |
Mar 13
Age: 20y
birth of childPamela Jo Cline Williamsport, Pennsylvania, USA ⇓ 1 Source ⇓ |
1949 • The Soviet Union recognizes the People's Republic of China. |
Mar 13
Age: 20y
birth of childPamela Jo Cline Williamsport, Pennsylvania, USA ⇓ 1 Source ⇓ |
1949 • António Óscar Carmona is re-elected president of Portugal for lack of an opposing candidate. |
Age: 21y
1950 • Apartheid: In South Africa, the Group Areas Act is passed, formally segregating the races. |
Apr 21
Age: 22y
marriageJack C Lenser Oil City, Venango, Pennsylvania, USA ⇓ Married at the Christ Episcopal Church, Oil City, Pennsylvania. 1 Source ⇓ |
1951 • The trial of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg begins. |
Jun 25
Age: 23y
birth of childDavid J Lenser |
1952 • The Pan-Malayan Labour Party is founded in Malaya, as a union of statewise labour parties. |
Dec 12
Age: 32y
birth of childDouglas Allen Lenser Elyria, Lorain, Ohio, USA ⇓ 1 Source ⇓ |
1960 • Dr. Michael Woodruff carries out the first successful kidney transplant in the United Kingdom, in Edinburgh, Scotland, at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. |
Age: 77y
residenceColumbus, Ohio, USA ⇓ Living at 1200 Blind Brook Dr in Columbus, OH 1 Source ⇓ |
2006 • Twitter is launched. |