Jack Clinger Lenser
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Henry Frank Lenser
Henry Frank Lenser
1895 - 1972
Helen Louise Clinger
Helen Louise Clinger
1900 - 1968


Age: 14y
1940 Katyn massacre: Members of the Soviet Politburo (Joseph Stalin, Vyacheslav Molotov, Lazar Kaganovich, Mikhail Kalinin, Kliment Voroshilov and Lavrenty Beria) sign an order, prepared by Beria, for the execution of 25,700 Polish intelligentsia, including 14,700 Polish POWs.


Jan 4
Age: 23y
1949 • The Royal Navy frigate HMS Amethyst goes up the Yangtze River to evacuate British Commonwealth refugees escaping the advance of Mao's Communist forces. Under heavy fire, she grounds off Rose Island. After an abortive rescue attempt on April 26, she anchors 10 miles upstream. Negotiations with the Communists to let the ship leave drag on for weeks, during which time the ship's cat Simon raises the crew's morale.


Mar 13
Age: 23y
1949 • Transjordan becomes the Kingdom of Jordan.


Sep 21
Age: 24y


Apr 21
Age: 25y
1951 • In a court in West Germany, Ilse Koch, The "Witch of Buchenwald", wife of the commandant of the Buchenwald concentration camp, is sentenced to life imprisonment.


Jun 25
Age: 26y

birth of child

David J Lenser
1952 Reparation negotiations between West Germany and Israel end in Luxembourg: Germany will pay 3 billion Deutsche Marks.


Dec 12
Age: 35y
1960 Senegal breaks away from the Mali Federation, declaring its independence.


Age: 44y


Sylvania, Ohio, USA ⇓
Jack was promoted to manager of development for Columbia gas of Ohio.
1970 • The first Earth Day is celebrated in the U.S.


Dec 12
Age: 62y
1987 Space: 1999 episode "The Rules of Luton" we learn that a world war, likely World War III, began sometime in 1987. It was described as 'The war to end all wars'.
