Jemima Chadwick
Joseph Chaffe Jr.
Joseph Chaffe Jr.
1677 - 1759
James Chaffee
James Chaffee
1713 - 1799


Oct 16
Age: 25y
Joseph Chaffee & Jemima Chadwick - Massachusetts Town and Vital Records


Joseph Chaffe Jr.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA ⇓
Married by Joseph Metcalf. Two years earlier Jemima's brother Joseph married in the same place, and her brother Samuel married there in 1722. Jemima's father may have been in Falmouth in 1701, as a James Chadwick is briefly mentioned at that time in records, although many have him dying in Malden in 1690. James Chadwick's previous wife was Jemima's cousin Abigail Hills, who was the granddaughter of John Chadwick and his wife Joan. James Chadwick's brother also married a sister of Abigail Hills.
4 Sources ⇓
1712 • After many years of settlement, the "Town on Queen Anne's Creek" is established as a courthouse for Chowan County, North Carolina. The town is renamed Edenton in 1720 and incorporated in 1722.


Age: 25y
1713 Ars Conjectandi, a seminal work on probability by Jakob Bernoulli is published eight years after his death, by his nephew, Niklaus Bernoulli.
