Johannes Van Duesen - Small Biography
Johannes Van Duesen was baptized at Claverack, New York on May 30 1728. He died at Coxsackie, to which town he moved after the Revolutionary War, Oct. 14 1803.
He married (1)
In Claverack on May 29, 1750, Christina De La Matre, daughter of Gloude de la Matre, and Christina Leggett. She died or was buried Oct. 14 1767
He married (2)
On Feb 3 1770, Maritie Bronck born Feb 20, 1740.
He served in the Eight Regt., Albany County Militia under Col. Robt. Van Renssalaer and was by testimony to his son Gloude, Chairman of the Commitee of Safety for the town of Claverack during the entire period of the war. The large brick house in which he resided was used as a fort as long as hostilities continued.
-From Ancestry and Descendents of Cornelius and John J. Van Duesen.