Excerpt from "The Van Deursen Family"
94 iii Johannes, bp May 30, 1728; sps same as Cornelis- m (ist) May 29, 1750, Christyntje De La Matre' (2d) after 1770, Marritie ...... 94 JOHANNES VAN DEUSEN, son of (35) Tobias Van Deusen and Ariaantje Muller; bp at Claverack May 30, 1728; m there (ist) May 29, 1750, Christyntje De La Matre, dau of Gloude De La Matre and Christina Leggett of Claverack; she d 1768; (2d) subsequent to 1770 Marritje (See will, dated July 11, and probated Nov. 6, 1803). Johannes was a resident of Claverack during most of his life, though he died at Coxsackie, Greene Co.,N. Y., whither he appears to have removed at some period after the Revolutionary War, in which he was an active participant. According to the testimony of his son, Gloude, he was Chairman of the Committee of Safety for the town of Claverack during the whole period of the war. At that time he resided in a large brick house at Claverack, which was used as a fort as long as hostilities continued. He served in the Eighth Regt., Albany County Militia, under Col. Robert Van Rensselaer. He died at Coxsackie in 1803.[1]
Will gave wife Marritje a bed stead and a black servant named Phebe. To son Gloudy (sp?) 5 pounds, other son Jacobus 25 pounds, to grandchildren (of deceased son John) namely Tiney, William Arrayantje, Mary, Jannetie, Sarah, Caty, Lenah, Gertrude Van Deusen, 25 pounds to be shared. The to the grandchild fathered by deceased son Cornelius, namely John and James 25 pounds to be shared. Then to daughter Arrayantje 25 pounds...to daughter Sarah wife of Peter Hoghlating or Hoghalting, the remainder of the estate both real and personal. However next he divides the estate in fifths and names son Jacobus and so on. Names friend Philip Cozine and Jonas Brink as exe. Probate 11 July 1803 Place: Greene, New York, USA