1736 • Real Arissona, namesake of the U.S. state Arizona, is founded in what is now that state. |
Age: 21y
1757 • August 9 – French and Indian War: A French army under Louis-Joseph de Montcalm forces the English to surrender Fort William Henry. The French army's Indian allies slaughter the survivors for unclear reasons. |
Nov 1
Age: 24y
birth of childSamuel Boggs Miller Sr. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA ⇓ 2 Sources ⇓ |
Dec 5
Age: 66y
marriageJohn Ritchey Rockbridge County, Virginia, USA ⇓ 1 Source ⇓ |
1801 • Second Battle of Algeciras: The British fleet defeats the French and Spanish fleets. |
Age: 80y
1816 • Sir Humphry Davy tests the Davy lamp for miners at Hebburn Colliery. |
burialRockbridge County, Virginia, USA ⇓ Buried at the Miller-Irwin Cemetery, Rockbridge County, Virginia, USA 1 Source ⇓ |
1816 • Banjul, capital of the Gambia, is founded as a trading post, and named Bathurst. |