♂ Matthew McCagg




Matthew McCagg
Rosanna Goodrich
Rosanna Goodrich
1768 - 1843
Maria McCagg
Maria McCagg
1791 - 1868
Matthew McCagg
Matthew McCagg
1800 - 1871



Age: 27y
1789 • The United States Congress proposes a set of 12 amendments for ratification by the states. Ratification for 10 of these proposals is completed on December 5, 1791, creating the United States Bill of Rights.


Sep 16
Age: 30y
Cornelius Van Deusen, Maria McCagg, & Margaret Van Deusen - 1860 United States Federal Census

birth of child

Maria McCagg
Kinderhook, Columbia, New York, USA ⇓
She had brothers Isaac McCagg of Chicago, Illinois, and Matthew McCagg, of Warsaw N.Y. Her mother's name was Rosanna. This information comes from the Ancestry and Descendents of Cornelius and John J Van Deusen. Isaac Van Deusen, her brother, was born abt. 1793, and there is a birth record in New York at a Dutch Reformed Church for an Isaac McCagg born in 1794, the son of Matthew McCagg and Rosanna Goodrich.
4 Sources ⇓
1791 • Promulgation of the law on Jewish emancipation in France, the first such legislation in Europe.
