1768 • New Smyrna, Florida, the largest attempt at colonization by the British in the New World, is founded by Dr. Andrew Turnbull. |
Age: 20y
birth of childCornelius McCagg Kinderhook, Columbia, New York, USA ⇓ 1 Source ⇓ |
1789 • An angry Parisian crowd demonstrates against the King’s decision to dismiss Minister Necker. |
Age: 21y
1790 • 11 minor states of the Austrian Netherlands which took part in the Brabant Revolution at the end of 1789 sign a Treaty of Union creating the United States of Belgium. Prime Minister of Great Britain William Pitt refuses to recognize the new confederation's independence. |
Sep 16
Age: 23y
birth of childMaria McCagg Kinderhook, Columbia, New York, USA ⇓ She had brothers Isaac McCagg of Chicago, Illinois, and Matthew McCagg, of Warsaw N.Y. Her mother's name was Rosanna. This information comes from the Ancestry and Descendents of Cornelius and John J Van Deusen. Isaac Van Deusen, her brother, was born abt. 1793, and there is a birth record in New York at a Dutch Reformed Church for an Isaac McCagg born in 1794, the son of Matthew McCagg and Rosanna Goodrich. 4 Sources ⇓ |
1791 • Louis XVI of France accepts the final version of the completed constitution. |
Mar 24
Age: 25y
1794 • The French Republic abolishes slavery. |
Mar 24
Age: 25y
1794 • Tadeusz Kościuszko makes his proclamation starting the Kościuszko Uprising against the Russian Empire and Kingdom of Prussia in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and Prussian Partition. |
Age: 31y
Age: 31y
birth of childMatthew McCagg New York, USA ⇓ 3 Sources ⇓ |
Dec 25
Age: 75y
deathStockport, Columbia, New York, USA ⇓ She was buried at the Episcopal Cemetery. 1 Source ⇓ |
1843 • The Emperor Dom Pedro II of Brazil marries Dona Teresa Cristina of the Two Sicilies in a state ceremony in Rio de Janeiro Cathedral. |