Newlyweds in Taxi Escape Truck Load
Regarding some of the incidents connected with the recent marriage of Miss Helen Clinger, of this city and Henry Lenser, of Cornplanter Hill, the Pennsylvania News has the following to say:
Following the marriage of Miss Helen Clinger, clerk, division accountant’s office, Oil City, and Henry Lenser of Cornplanter Hill, former clerk in division engineer’s office, ensued an exciting chase.
They left immediately for a wedding trip to Buffalo and Cleveland,...
Obituary Henry Lenser, retired from Quaker StateOIL CITYHenry F. Lenser, 77, of 124 E. Seventh St., retired employe of Quaker State Oil Refining Corp., died at 6 p.m. Monday in his home.Mr. Lenser was born in Oil City March 16, 1895, a son of Albert G. and Augusta Koschnitzki Lenser.He retired in 1960 from Quaker State as manager of the wholesale order department.Mr. Lenser was a member of Christ Lutheran Church. He also was a member of Masonic Lodge 710, F. & A.M., Venango Lodge of...